

By September 25, 2015 November 5th, 2015 No Comments

As a child the word ‘calmness’ was simply a word. It wasn’t a lifestyle my family practiced or something we understood, it was simply a word we viewed as an impossible goal to reach. At times it seemed as if our only sense of calmness was demonstrated to us by actors and actresses in movies. Some days my siblings and I would talk about how different our lives will be and how much peace we’ll have, but even then we managed to disrupt that peaceful moment.

When I was invited by Just In Time to learn how to surf, I thought it would be a great opportunity to get outdoors and socialize. My instructor, Brad, taught me how to surf; how to pop up off my board, paddle out and how to understand wave patterns. It was that day, I fell in love with surfing– the day I found my calmness, my peace, my sense of understanding life.

As I paddled out and sat in the middle of the ocean, I began to reflect on my life. Life was becoming overwhelming, but I realized how I was peacefully able to accept life and all of its unexpected turns. I developed a “no worries” attitude.

I discovered my calmness in the middle of the ocean while trying to catch the next wave.

If I could give everyone in the world the amount of peace and calmness I felt in the water I would. But the reality is, we have to discover our own sense of calmness. My hope is to have us all discover where we have the most sense of calmness and peace. It could be a place, an activity or helping other people that will give you your calmness. Whatever it maybe or whenever you discover your calmness, cherish it and try to revert back to it every day so you can remember what that feeling feels like.

Thank you Tania, Max, Brad, Michelle, Jessica and my JIT family!!